Preparing for Holiday Challenges to Addiction Recovery

Holiday Tips and Resources for People in Recovery

If you or someone you care about is struggling with substance abuse, don’t wait to get help – hope and healing are available at Valley Hope 24/7. We wish you all a happy, safe and healthy holiday season. Family gatherings can sometimes mean facing unresolved tensions, conflicts, or past traumas.

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Remember, each challenge faced and overcome further solidifies your commitment and strength in sobriety. Early recovery brings reawakened awareness of the harm one caused oneself and one’s family and friends during the course of the addiction. It is also a time when the brain and body are still actively recovering from the effects of addiction.

  • We may also take a short walk, go sit in our car for a minute or take a short drive, or find another private place to reconnect with ourselves.
  • Some families might consider the holidays an inappropriate time to help a loved one get into addiction treatment when, in fact, it could be an ideal opportunity.
  • If you don’t think an activity is going to be good for your recovery, it’s okay not to go.
  • Or simply turn on music at home and dance around, let yourself go to shake it off.

Support for Me and My Family

Holiday Tips and Resources for People in Recovery

Many people have activities or interests reframing holidays in early recovery that help keep them balanced. During times of stress, it can be helpful to embrace them. Spend time with people who you feel comfortable around, people who lift you up instead of bringing you down. Remind yourself that you are deserving of this connection — deserving of kindness, love, and happiness. Tell them how you are feeling about the upcoming holiday and ask if you can call them if you feel in danger of relapsing.

Holiday Tips and Resources for People in Recovery

A Survival Guide: Handling the Holidays during Recovery

Our eyes may get big (be cause our survival system wants to make sure we can see any threat that may come ourway) and we may forget to blink. Blinking or just shifting in your chair can remind you that you are o.k. It can break the trance and get you unstuck from feeling like you’re trapped, you’re in danger, or you can’t take care of yourself. As you read this blog post, write down ideas that resonate with you (an any others you may think of). Put your list in a visible (to you) location and start practicing these tips now.

Holiday Tips and Resources for People in Recovery

Don’t navigate these challenges alone; lean on professionals who care. Reach out to Adelante Recovery Center today and let us be a part of your journey to lasting recovery. Getting through the holidays sober can be a challenge, particularly for people in early addiction recovery.

Holiday Tips and Resources for People in Recovery

If the office New Year’s party is really all about drinking or other drug use, make a brief appearance or don’t attend. It’s unrealistic in all of these scenarios to say, “I can soldier through it.” That’s what Step One of the Twelve Steps teaches us, right? So why put yourself in the position of having to “power through” an obstacle course of relapse triggers?

  • Understand potential triggers and be mindful of environments that might be challenging for your loved one.
  • The holidays can, in effect, be a time to reconnect and restore.
  • The holidays may bring different challenges, depending on where you are in your addiction recovery journey.
  • Keep building on your recovery foundation and reevaluate the party invites next year.
  • On the other hand, identifying your triggers and strategies to manage them puts that power back in your hands.
  • Give family and friends guidance on how to interact with someone in recovery.

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